Sheep Mowers

I’ve always wondered why we had lawn mowers when so many animals eat grass. Apparently the town of Turin, Italy was wondering the same thing. Turin now employees 700 little, woolly sheep to keep their city parks neat and trim… and well fertilized.

Manager of the project, Federico Tombolato, said: “Using sheep is not only cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but we also get to sell them at the end of the process to raise more money.”

Pencil pushers say they were averaging over $40,000 a year in mowing fees for just one park. The sheep are a big hit with the budget makers, but park goers and motorists are somewhat less than thrilled with the idea. Their parks have been turned into an open sheep sewer, and road ways tend to get clogged with the four-legged lawn mowers.

Have you ever smelled sheep poo? I think I’d rather dish out the money for the machine mowers.

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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