Episode 124 – Surrender the Pickle!

Toilet MonsterToday, I dressed like a high school cheerleader on acid. How is that different than any other show day? Who knows. Stephen and I rambled a LOT and the COOLEST thing ever happened! Remember that naked dude in Tally that was riding his bike? You know, the one I actually saw? Well… we had a listener submitted story on him! I was so stoked. We also talked about eating babies (in their pear form), slapping babies (and how this is wrong), drunk, flying germans, and why you should never crawl into a porta potty…. Ok, I am freaking starving. I love you guys…. I really do. It’s kinda sick :p

Factoid of the Week:
Men can read smaller print than women can; women can hear better.

More Proof Drunk Germans are supermen
Mountains and Molehills
Duct Tape Uses 101
Another Reason Wal*Mart is fail <—-Submitted by Jessica Ervin
Poo Girl is Star
Froggy Pop
Eat Babies!
Mayorial Dorks

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Running Time: 1:20:37

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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