Well, the show is a bit late… but that is because my 1st cousin just had his first kid! Well, he didn’t have the kid… his wife did. Well, technically she had it. Are C-Sections considered giving birth? Speaking of C-Sections… waiting on one to happen in the birth ward of a hospital is painful. I don’t mean mildly painful, I mean scratch my eyes out and bleed to death slowly painful. We had to wait with a group of people that should NOT have been parents. Who let’s their kids crawl around on the floor of a HOSPITAL?! Ugh. Ummm, anyway… yay I have a cousin! He was cute. I nicknamed him panda ^_^ (Er, Also… enjoy the show? ;p)
Factoid of the Week:
The electric chair was invented by a dentist
Have we not learned?
Oldest man alive…is…not?
Bear on bear action
Bears want to play too!
– Check out Peter Palmiotti’s Podcast! Steve has a guest appearance on the latest episode!
Man stuck in poo
Amorous Roo
You’re doing it wrong
Wendy’s thief is dumb
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Running Time: 1:12:15