Episode 187 – Check Your Cups!

Tonight’s episode took a bit of a left turn, with Coleman Ranahan joining me to fill in for Ashley while she’s off licking her wounds from last week’s badger attack…that or a fight with a raw carrot. Hard to tell. We had an absolute blast talking weird news and, of course, talking a little about the movies nominated for Academy Awards! Coleman and I fought in the Oscar Deathmatch 2011, where we dissected the movies and actors nominated for the more notable awards and picked our winners. Tune in sometime next week for our breakdown of the results! For now, here’s the latest installment of Horeshoes & Hand Greandes!!!

Factoid of the Week:
The weight of insects eaten by spiders every year is greater than the weight of all humans alive.

Busy Night
A Dash of DNA
Just Like Mom Used to Make

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