Episode 452

I’ve started playing Ocarina of Time again… and holy CRAP, it is an amazing game. Some parts still frustrate me (water…. temple…), but, overall, it is fantastic. One thing I did notice this play through (of 4 billion), is that things that irked me or had me stuck when I was younger are things that still hang me up now. Typically, it’s a device only used ONCE in the game and never again… like blowing up a pile of dirt in the shadow temple.  Now, with BoTW, you expect to look for things under piles of dirt or leaves, but at the time OoT came out… one off little devices like that were so annoying! It kinda felt like cheating.

I’ve been playing on my 3DSXL while Jacob has been chasing white Arabians in RdR2….

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Factoid of the Week:
While most mammals have claws to help them with daily tasks, fingernails are something that distinguish primates (including humans) from the rest of the group.

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Words of Wisdom:
Man is a wingless animal with two feet and flat nails. -Plato

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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