Episode 453 – What is the Fourth Hole

On this Episode, I admit my love for animojis, gush over my neighbor’s adorable German Shepherd puppy, and curse a lot! Actually, I always write these before the show… so I have no clue what we talked about. I bet it was something exciting, though. Like aardvarks and peanut butter. I want a lemon cookie.

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Factoid of the Week:
The name Aardvark comes from South Africa’s Afrikaans language and means ‘earth pig’ or ‘ground pig’. Aardvarks are also known as ‘antbears’, ‘anteaters’, ‘Cape anteater’ and ‘earth hogs’.

Toto’s ‘Africa’ to play on endless loop ‘for all eternity’ in Namib Desert
‘I’m not here’: Fugitive leaves note on mattress before being found in dresser
Man injects himself with his own semen in an effort to treat back pain
Man stabbed 13 times by his girlfriend PROPOSES to her in Russian court

Words of Wisdom:
Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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