Episode 544 – The Velcro Situation

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Factoid of the Week:
If you’ve ever wondered where your lost airline baggage in the US ended up, there’s a good chance it’s Alabama. More precisely, the Unclaimed Baggage Center, a retail store filled with treasures from unfortunate travelers’ misplaced bags.  If your luggage goes unclaimed for 90 days, it becomes legal property of airlines.  Airlines then auction if off to the public and companies like UBS fill their store paying pennies for your lost luggage.

Yard sale find turns out to be artifact worth up to $500,000
Alabama woman accused of stealing neighbor’s goat, dyeing it blue
Spanish rapper reportedly chops off roommate’s penis for video
NYC woman discovers empty apartment behind bathroom mirror

Words of Wisdom:

“Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.”
-Charles Dudley Warner

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