Holy Smokes! It’s another freakin’ awesome episode of Horseshoes and Hand Grenades! This one is packed full of all the information that is expected from us and maybe a little more! Feel free to send Steve hatemail because he breathes too much! Hold on to your potatoes, because this is one wild ride!
Factoid of the Week!
One in every 5 potatoes grown in the united states ends up as french fries
Stab-proof hoodies on sale! Inner-City kids REJOICE!
Drunken German falls onto train tracks and comes out unscathed!
Lawsuit: Passenger Found in Jet Bathroom DEAD
Free repairs to flammable toilets
Man found bound, beaten did it himself
Spanking fetishes make men happier
Man living in feces filled home arrested!
Girl Had Suspected ‘Boyfriend’ Was Woman
Man Drives Jeep Through Wal-Mart
Pacifica Woman Charged For Assaulting Gay Couple With Produce
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save as…)
Running Time: 38 Minutes