Another shrink wrapped episode of Horseshoes and Hand Grenades is out for your listening pleasure! In this episode, we express our utter frustration of having to deal with young children, our love for all things strange and unusual, and our confusion over how in the world people keep doing enough odd crap that we can make a show out of. So here it is folks! Don’t forget to vote for our show on Podcast Alley! There’s a button on the right. And tell all your friends about us! You must spread the virus known only as…Horseshoes and Hand Grenades.
Factoid of the Week:
Before Prohibition (Commonly referred to as this nations “Darkest Times”…at least according to alcoholics), the most common form of drinking beer at home was drinking it straight out of a bucket filled at the local pub or brewery
Employer beheads worker for not milking cows
Wife puts excrement in man’s curry
Austrian teenager run over by a tractor… twice
Upset landlord hires marching band
Man Describes Alleged Attack By 7 Lesbians In N.J.
Lesbians more likely to be obese
Bandits Super Glue a Naked Man to an Exercise Bike
Winona man sleeps through stabbing
Man charged with attempted murder after crashing truck into house
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 38 Minutes