Tune in here on 10/16 at 8pm EST for the live HNH show! We’re taking calls over skype, so if you don’t have that application, pick it up at skype.com.
Just come to this page on that date and time, and you’ll see the Stickam app running in the sidebar. It’s live, so that’s how you will hear what we are talking about :). Add “fulltangninja” as a friend before 8 tomorrow so Steve can accept your request. Then, whenever you are ready, call fulltangninja and we’ll put you on the show! It’s going to be awesome you guys, and the news we have will cause you to explode with gut busting laughter! Can’t wait to chat with some of you guys tomorrow!
10/26, 8pm EST, Be there…err….here!
UPDATE: IRC Chat is up for those interested! irc.freenode.net /join #hnh