It’s Just Like “Everybody Poops”…

Children’s books are often written with a purpose. Sometimes they are to teach a moral principle, show you not to be embarrassed about who you are, tell you to stay strong under peer pressure, and even make sure you know it’s okay to poop, but what about that books that teach you unconventional wisdom. Dr. Michael Salzhauer of Miami, Florida has written a book, “My Beautiful Mommy,” to help parents tell their children about the changes to be expected from an impending plastic surgery. I used to have trouble adjusting to my mom’s new haircuts, so one can only imagine what a kid thinks after his mom has a boob job!
The book is garnering a lot of criticism over it’s subject matter and the way it’s presented. The story follows a little girl who’s mother gets a tummy tuck, breast implants, and a nose job. It takes you through the very first consultation all the way to removing the bandages. The mother provides the little girl with information she needs to understand what is going on.

At one point she explains to her daughter, “You see, as I got older, my body stretched and I couldn’t fit into my clothes anymore. Dr. Michael is going to help fix that and make me feel better.”

The girl asks: “Why are you going to look different?” Mom responds: “Not just different, my dear – prettier!”

The debate has arisen because of the concern that a book like this may help normalize plastic surgery and encourage more people to have it. Of course this doctor wants more people to have plastic surgery! That’s nothing to debate about, that’s just the facts. I’m not against any books that help children understand what’s going on in the world around them, nor am I necessarily against this book. I believe that there are certain people who can benefit from plastic surgery in extraordinary ways, but a lot of people that have it do not need it at all. Just watch “Dr. 90210!” On most of the episodes, the people that are getting surgery are incredibly gorgeous to start with!

If you feel the need to have plastic surgery and think that your children could benefit from this book, then go ahead and get it. It won’t hurt their little brains any more than the book about sex will. You don’t want your kids backing up three steps when you take the bandages off your new face, and maybe this book will give you an easy way to make them understand so that doesn’t have to happen.

What do you think about a book that explains plastic surgery to kids? Leave your comments!

Source: Ananova

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