So, Stephen is never getting noise buttons for our show again, folks. I have thrown the device across the room and it has landed in tiny pieces. Actually, he has probably added several hundred MORE sounds since the show was recorded and plans to use them all in tandem for next week. We had to do things a bit early and late this week (hah). A day early and an hour late… and you guys still came out to support us! We love you so hard
We talked about ducks in this episode… and weenie flavored salmon… yeah. Ew. Also, from the lovely Amanda Reed: “How do you tell girl pancakes from boy pancakes?……..look to see how they are stacked!“
Factoid of the Week:
A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans!
Runaway Tortoise is Slow
The Duke of Germany
Police Arrest Donald Duck
Vampire Causes Wreck
Smoked Salmon Vodka
Head Hunt
Girl stuck in Flue
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:19:00