A New Start

There comes a time in every podcast’s life where you have to make a change. That time has come for Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. The little podcast that could is sunsetting itself. We’ve been largely off the air for the past few years and despite our best efforts, we haven’t been able to pull it together. So it is with sort of heavy hearts that we lay this podcast to rest.


Just because one podcast has to end doesn’t mean another one can’t take its place! Ashley and I are like a parasite. We can only truly thrive when we’re doing what we do on the internet for the fine folks like you. If you’re reading this, we want to let you know that we are BACK! For real this time. We’re setting our expectations a little lower, and we’re working with what we’ve got. What do we got, you ask? ONE HALF HOUR

That’s right. We’re going to be putting out a BRAND NEW podcast called “Stephen and Smash’s Half Hour of Power.” It’s a smaller show than Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, at least for now, with the small objective of producing 30 minutes of content once a week. We’re shooting for every Thursday but there may be days and weeks where we have to move the date or time to get the show in your ears.

So hold on tight, add a new podcast to your podcast service of choice, and let’s get this show on the road! There’s no sense looking back when we have so much more ahead of us.


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