Episode 538 – Pull Over, Give Me Your Ham

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
Wind is caused by differences in air pressure. Air rushes from high pressure areas to lower ones.  Depending on their strength, winds can be known as a breeze, gale, storm or hurricane.  A breeze blows from 4 to 31mph, while a gale blows between 32 and 63 miles per hour.  The strongest winds in the solar system are on Saturn where they reach speeds of over 1,100mph.

Dutch officials seize ham sandwiches of drivers arriving from UK
Quebec Woman Fined For Putting Leash on Her Partner, Taking Him for a Walk
Hackers use ransomware to lock up internet-enabled chastity belts
Monkey Tail Beard Is The Latest Male Fashion Trend

Words of Wisdom:
Words of Wisdom go here “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean

Episode 537 – Maybe We’re A Door Frame

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
The ancient Romans and Greeks believed that diamonds were tears cried by the gods or splinters from falling stars, and Romans believed that Cupid’s arrows were tipped with diamonds (perhaps the earliest association between diamonds and romantic love).

Man gets wasted, legally changes name to Celine Dion
Texas woman clings to speeding car for 10 minutes after couple steals $10,000 exotic puppy
Denmark launches children’s TV show about man with giant penis
Man builds secret tunnel to his lover’s house, caught by her husband

Words of Wisdom:
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.  -Confucius

Episode 536 – Bing Bong

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
Baby New Year has been a symbol of the holiday since around 600 B.C., starting in ancient Greece when an infant was paraded around in a basket in celebration of Dionysus, the god of fertility (and wine). The baby represents a rebirth that occurs at the start of each new year.

Nurse strips off PPE suit to have sex with Covid patient in hospital toilet, suspended
Kentucky man uses flamethrower to clear snow from driveway
Angry Squirrel Aggressively Attacking Residents Of Queens Neighborhood

Words of Wisdom:
Celebrate endings—for they precede new beginnings.” —Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Episode 535 – Let’s Get Together and Drink

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
Bluetooth technology is named after Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsso, the king of Denmark and Norway during the 10th century. Bluetooth technology used Gormsso’s name because it unites devices just how he united the tribes of Denmark.

China flamethrower drone burns wasp nests
‘Please spread the word!’: Sheriff’s office will test your meth for coronavirus
FOLLOW-UP: A Man Whose Parents Threw Out His Porn Collection Wins Lawsuit Against Them
Portland man arrested after revving chainsaw behind counter in Westbrook McDonald’s, chasing manager

Words of Wisdom:
To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag. – Pauline Hanson

Episode 534 – BoneNuts

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
According to astronomer Fred Hoyle, if you got into your car, turned on the ignition and drove up to the sky at 60 mph, it would take just one hour to get to outer space.

Japan Puts Its Post-Covid Tourism Hopes In Hands Of Giant Robot
Man tells wife his new PlayStation 5 is an air purifier; wife sells PS5
Deer steals hunter’s gun, flees into woods
Austrian village named F–king to change name after unwanted tourist attention

Words of Wisdom:
“Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps, that makes the journey complete.”  – Chanda Kochhar

Episode 533 – Super Duper Pigeon Auction

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
A gene called ABCC11 determines whether people produced wet or dry earwax. Interestingly, people who produce the “dry” version of earwax also lack a chemical in their armpits that bacteria feed on to cause underarm odor.  This gene is basically the single determinant of whether you do produce armpit odor or not.  Only 2 percent of Europeans lack the genes for smelly armpits, but almost all Koreans lack this gene and therefore, do not have armpit odor.

Pigeon becomes world’s most expensive after selling for $1.9M
Accused ‘porch pirate’ arrested when he shows up at court in same shirt from surveillance pics
Indonesian man becomes instant millionaire after meteorite crashes through roof
Japanese Town Deploys Growling Robot ‘Wolves’ to Protect Residents From Bears

Words of Wisdom:
Hatred, for the man who is not engaged in it, is a little like the odor of garlic for one who hasn’t eaten any.  -Jean Rostand

Episode 532 – Diddle the Fiddle

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
Before Thomas Edison’s invention of the electric light in 1879, most people slept ten hours each night, a duration we’ve just recently discovered is ideal for optimal performance.

Russian city’s rivers run RED from mystery pollution as ducks refuse to swim in the ‘toxic’ water
New York state dad builds 50-foot pirate ship in front yard
Canadian Tire Stores In Ontario Glitched Out & Scanned Everything As Mr. Potato Head

Words of Wisdom:
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.” – Anthony Burgess

Episode 531 – Subject To Episode

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
“Airplane boners” is a term colloquially describing erections on planes caused by changes in air pressure that affect blood pressure.  This same phenomenon affects mountaineers climbing big mountains including the biggest mountain of them all: Everest.

Indonesian school accepting tuition payments in coconuts
$2M lawsuit filed against pastor, lawyer says he has ‘proclivity’ to urinate on people
Man banned from Yellowstone for trying to fry chickens in hot spring
Costco drops Chaokoh coconut milk over allegations of forced monkey labor

Words of Wisdom:
“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves” -Edmund Hillary

Episode 530 – Anus Penguins

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
Bats can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes an hour. Often, bats consume their body weight in insects every night, helping keep bug populations in check.

Italian town auctioning off abandoned homes for just over $1
Woman in labor stops to vote in Florida on way to hospital
Escaped cloned female mutant crayfish take over Belgian cemetery
Man arrested after showering commuters with money from 30th-floor window

Words of Wisdom:
“There are many in this old world of ours who hold that things break about even for all of us. I have observed for example that we all get the same amount of ice. The rich get it in the summertime and the poor get it in the winter” – Bat Masterson

Episode 529 – Ride the Split

Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE!  Even your grandmother!  She needs penis jokes too! 

If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use.  It helps us out a ton!

iTunes: http://bit.ly/hnhshow
Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/horseshoes-and-hand-grenades

Factoid of the Week:
Today, sunglasses serve as protective eyewear, effectively preventing bright sunlight from causing discomfort or damage to our eyes. Of course, they’re also a fashion accessory. But sunglasses were originally made out of smoky quartz in 12th century China, where they were used by judges to mask their emotions when they were questioning witnesses.

300 packets of washed up cocaine send ‘fortune hunters’ to Dutch beach
Danbury, Connecticut, To Rename Sewage Plant For John Oliver
Brazilian Senator Caught Hiding Cash Between His Butt Cheeks
South Carolina law school dean accidentally reveals who failed bar exam

Words of Wisdom:
“Boldness is a mask for fear, however great.” -John Dryden