I talked about this a few weeks ago and then completely did not upload it for you guys to here. So here I am to fix it! Inside this post, you shall find an encapsulated wonder of hilarity known as “The Lost Dragon*Con Tape.” It’s about twenty minutes of madness where you get an inside glimpse of the minds of your favorite podcast hosts, which is not completely different than the way they are on a real show. We had a blast making this, especially because we really didn’t know we were making anything. There’s also a killer song about breastfeeding in there 0_o. Love it!
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 19:42
Category: Specials
Episode 198.5 – I Done Did It
Tonight’s show was brought to you by me, Steve, and a couple of my good friends! I’m usually pretty anxious about doing a show without Ash there by my side, but we did okay tonight! Ash couldn’t be with us because she has to cram her brain for a very difficult exam coming up in a few days. Tonight I was joined by Steph as my co-host, and we were happy to welcome Robert Villegas, of My So Called 8 Bit Life, and Coleman Ranahan, of the Coleman Ranahan Podcast. Good times had by all! I hope you all enjoy this somewhat random episode of H&H!
Robert Villegas
Coleman Ranahan
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:20:00
H&H Interviews Tony Fleecs!
Hello all you wonderful people out in the interwebs! Boy, do we have a nugget of awesome for you to fill your earholes with! It’s our interview with world famous comic artist and writer Tony Fleecs! Tony joined us from the Garage Art Studios out in the City of Angels (Los Angeles) to tell us a little bit about himself, and a whole lot about boobies! That’s right! Tony is coming to us right after a trip to Dragon*Con where every manner of boob is out for the world to see. He’s got his opinions and we’ve got ours. We hope you enjoy this little something extra from the folks at H&H! Major thanks to Tony for coming on the show and making us laugh. Be sure to check out the links below to see his fantastic work!
Tony Fleecs Blog
1 A Day Sketches
Tony on Twitter – @TonyFleecs
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 26:11