Episode 10 – “I Made Key Lime Pie…It’s Awesome”

Here is your long awaited episode 10! I know you’ve all been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the day that this incredible episode would grace the face of your Podcast downloading utility of choice! Well, we’ve been just as excited about unleashing it on the world. This one was awesome, and we’re very happy that it was our 10th episode. Now we can sit back, relax, and wait for the corporate sponsorships to roll in. Judging by how things are going, we’ll be waiting a while.
Sidenote: Huge thanks to authors  Robert W. Walker and Robert Tinnell for hanging out with Ashley at the Writer’s Conference this weekend! Your encouragement and kind words were very appreciated.

Factoid of the Week:
The first food to be approved by the FDA for artificial color was BUTTER….It’s not really yellow 

Museum thief gets the finger
Drunken Bishop
Georgia Man stabbed with Deer antler
Man Sues over erection…. drink
47 Cats Rescued from House Full of Feces
World’s Largest Penis Erected!
Man Drowns while trying to rescue his cell phone
Fishermen tries to save two drowning morons
Iowa man herds deer with plane

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 39 Minutes

One thought on “Episode 10 – “I Made Key Lime Pie…It’s Awesome””

  1. AAAhhh!!! another H&H. Nothing like it,,,,,,, O-wait,,,,, NM.
    Love to listen to the show, and tune in every week. If I need to pick one thing that needs work on the show is the volume of the final mix needs to be turned up.

    Keep kicking ass.
    -Producer Bill

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