Heelllloooooo, and welcome back to your favorite (it IS your favorite, and these are NOT the droids you are looking for) podcast of all time! This week turned out a lot of really goofy news that Stephen and I were more than happy to scoop up and spit back at you in delicious podcast form. The munch a moth campaign hits Australia, an ostrich pwns two boys with image issues, and cat pee: is it the next drug craze?
Factoid of the Week:
The slowest mammal on earth is the three-toed sloth. It’s top speed is 6 to 8 feet per minute
A mother’s bad memory won 2.4 million
Australians urged to eat moths
How to end a relationship:
Door to Door Salesmen donates kidney
Pop Quiz: are 1 million $ bills real?
SUC’s smear campaign
Cat pee: the next marijuana
Ostrich murdered by man with no penis
Skanky Nurse Serial Killers
Doughnut thief to get 30 years
Bible Knock Out
Drunk Ambulance Driver
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 55 Minutes