Episode 28 – “Geese Don’t Have Love, They Have Eggs”

Heelllloooooo, and welcome back to your favorite (it IS your favorite, and these are NOT the droids you are looking for) podcast of all time! This week turned out a lot of really goofy news that Stephen and I were more than happy to scoop up and spit back at you in delicious podcast form. The munch a moth campaign hits Australia, an ostrich pwns two boys with image issues, and cat pee: is it the next drug craze?
Factoid of the Week:
The slowest mammal on earth is the three-toed sloth. It’s top speed is 6 to 8 feet per minute

A mother’s bad memory won 2.4 million
Australians urged to eat moths
How to end a relationship:
Door to Door Salesmen donates kidney
Pop Quiz: are 1 million $ bills real?
SUC’s smear campaign
Cat pee: the next marijuana
Ostrich murdered by man with no penis
Skanky Nurse Serial Killers
Doughnut thief to get 30 years
Bible Knock Out
Drunk Ambulance Driver

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 55 Minutes

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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