Ok, this was the most entertaining episode we have ever done! As a celebration for being around for THIRTY weeks, we decided another live episode was needed. We had a few technical issues at first (go figure), but it eventually panned out nicely and everyone had a blast! Thanks to everyone who participated in our live event… you guys are amazing and we expect you back for our big four-oh. We’ve got listerner WTF’s, Lobsters desperados, a police chief that is ready for a Zombie invasion, naked sleep walkers, and a 4-year-old with a post-it problem.
Factoid of the Week
Sherlock Holmes NEVER said, “Elementary, my dear Watson.”
This show brought to you by the awesome people who joined our show. Many of which are members of the Massassi forums and the NeS project at http://forums.massassi.net Check it Out!
Lobsters on the lamb
Hero fined for saving older woman
Shopkeep ignores armed robber
Teens get in trouble for being naughty
Parenting skills 101<—Submitted by Frankie U
Woman stabs tied-up lover to drink his blood
Jerry Springer’s show line up
How to “handle” naked sleepwalkers
Post It note stapled to 4th graders head<—Submitted by Frankie U
Men should not play with dolls
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1 Hour
The audio on Ashley and I is horrible.
I know
That made me cry a little… oh well… we sound like demented demon things… I guess that might be a good alias at some point.