So many of you wonderful people came to chat this evening! It melted my heart a tad
We also have the illustrious honor of having one of our audience members BANNED from listening to us by his PARENTS! I don’t know why, but this announcement made Stephen and I tear up a bit. We have entered the ranks of the foul mouthed, adult shows that get a R rating!
Don’t forget next week will be the LIVE show! If you have a phone or a computer… we demand a call in! :p
Factoid of the Week:
The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off!
This Dog Has Balls
I thought my town sucked…
Smiley Face Robber
Why is pop bad for you?
Horsie Style
Assualt with a deadly coconut
The Cheese is in space?
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As..)
Running Time: 1:21:44
I don’t know why it didn’t pick this one up. Everything appears normal for us this time. I even checked the site the other day to make sure the show posted properly. I went ahead and pinged iTunes so it should come up soon. Sorry for the inconveniecne
Got It, Thanks