Nathan Fillion

nathanfillion1So, I have decided that my school-girl obsession with Nathan Fillion will ONLY burn out… if I manage to get the man with the awesome hair on HnH. So, I need to know that you guys will help me in my desperate plot to get a space cowboy on our awesome show. For some reason, I don’t think wearing a boob shirt will help me out in this situation 😀
If any of you have any ideas as to how I can go about snagging Mr. Castle, email me, post it on the forum, respond to this, tweet me (AshHnH), or facebook me (phatekills)!

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

One thought on “Nathan Fillion”

  1. Ok, guys, so Kwis (from FB) posted “i say everyone should tweet about this, @’ing him of course. fill up his twitter homepage. he’ll have to take notice. if there’s reason to believe his myspace is real, start hitting that up too,” and I think that is a fantastic idea!? If you have a twitter account he is @NathanFillion.
    I will try to get an “official” plea for him to get on the show so we can all work that into our tweet barrage 😀

    Jess reminded me of his slightly inflated ego (with that hair — who wouldnt have an ego) and seconded Kwis’ asking him to do an interview 🙂

    I am going to move this over to the forums… so hop in for updates!

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