So, I have decided that my school-girl obsession with Nathan Fillion will ONLY burn out… if I manage to get the man with the awesome hair on HnH. So, I need to know that you guys will help me in my desperate plot to get a space cowboy on our awesome show. For some reason, I don’t think wearing a boob shirt will help me out in this situation
If any of you have any ideas as to how I can go about snagging Mr. Castle, email me, post it on the forum, respond to this, tweet me (AshHnH), or facebook me (phatekills)!
Ok, guys, so Kwis (from FB) posted “i say everyone should tweet about this, @’ing him of course. fill up his twitter homepage. he’ll have to take notice. if there’s reason to believe his myspace is real, start hitting that up too,” and I think that is a fantastic idea!? If you have a twitter account he is @NathanFillion.
I will try to get an “official” plea for him to get on the show so we can all work that into our tweet barrage
Jess reminded me of his slightly inflated ego (with that hair — who wouldnt have an ego) and seconded Kwis’ asking him to do an interview
I am going to move this over to the forums… so hop in for updates!