Merry CHRISTMAS HnH Fans! We hope you are prepared to enjoy our amaZing Christmas episode we have provided you
It is chock full of refreshing Dear Santa’s, twinkling Wish Lists, dazzeling bum sniffers, and we might even have some maids a milking.
On a more serious note, thank you all that participated this week. We know it was off schedule, but we love you all and it makes our day when we see your names in the chat ^_^
HnH wishes all its listeners have AMAZING Christmas breaks! Be kind to one another (please do not attack your neighbors with froZen turkeys) and enjoy your families.
Until New Years!
Factoid of the Week:
Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale
Bum Sniffer
Grand Theft Santa
Tons of wish lists, fun quotes, emails, and voicemails!
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:31:29