Ladies and Gentlemen of the H&H universe, this episode takes a completely different approach at making a show. Mostly because Ash wasn’t around because she was out destroying the Squirrel Army with her bare hands. I’m pretty sure she choked out about 50 squirrels with her bare hands. So I was joined by our good buddies Vash and Coleman, who each helped me put together a pretty killer show! So download and enjoy this thing! I know we did 🙂Factoid of the Week
40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
Japanese Potty Sounds
Baa Baa Hidden Sheep
Snakes on a face!
Osprey part of SUC?
Fart Buddies
Free Willy
Boobs o Doom
Weekend at Bernies
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save as…)
Running Time: 1 hour 20 minutes