After almost a week of delays, we’ve finally released Episode 155 for all of your ears to be pleasured by. Our site was jacked up beyond all recognition but thanks to some snazzy work by security geniuses, we are now back up and running. This episode didn’t contain a whole lot of news, but it was a really fun re-cap on what’s happened to your two favorite podcasters during the last few weeks of near silence. We apologize for that, and are excited to get back in the saddle. So brace yourselves for one crazy show for Episode 156. I’m ready to talk about naughty topics again!
Factoid of the Week:
Slugs have 4 noses!
Lots of news about Steve’s wedding/vacation, and what Ash has been up to. FUN!
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save as…)
Running Time: 1 hour