So, I feel like I have been away from the show for ages… and I guess I have! I am glad weddings and honeymoons and vacations are DONE with so that I may relish in the HnH goodness
I missed everyone in the chat! And, as you can tell by this episode, I was really hyper and exorbitantly glad to be back with everyone! Also, I totally have seaweed stuck to the top off my mouth… seriously? Ew. No more dulce in my salad! Thanks to Chip and Frankie U for helping me out with notes, and super thanks to everyone that turned out ready to do the chat dance with Stephen and I! I cannot wait till next week for more bonding… granted, from this show on I will _always_ be on time. Furturama blew my face off with its awesomeness… and it will be on after our show every week (must be watching tv by 10pm every evening!).
K…. end ramble!
Factoid of the Week:
Cockroaches’ favorite food is the glue on envelopes and on the back of postage stamps.
Guardian Angel
Floating Bike (James Bond Style)
Craigslist Fail # 345
2 Butter or not 2 Butter?
Doggie Doo Dough
Fava Beans
How do you get a wolf, goat, and a head of lettuce…
When Dogs Fly
Additional Notes: <– My dad wants everyone to know that you can watch the beach…and people at this website
Mortal Kombat Rebirth
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:35:53
Cant get thr show from either this site, or ITunes!!! Help!!!
I fixed it in iTunes, Frankie! Go get it now