Episode 231 – Grammorical Concraptitude

You ever wake up in a REALLY good mood… only to have it totally destroyed and peed upon by bees and family and the realization that you have WAY too much paper work to do and not enough time to do it? And that you have about 6000 ppl descending upon your formerly quiet weekend with your sister and brother-in-law? Yeah, well… me either -_-Since I’m NOT in a horrible mood… I will NOT be grumpy during this episode 😛

Factoid of the Week
10% of all women registered for computer dating are teachers.

Squeaky Clean Meat
3D Printing
Piggy Terrorists
Zombie Boot Camp

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Running Time: 1:03:55

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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