I am thirsty. I wanna go downstairs and get some filtered water, but I need to write this first. However, all I can think about is running downstairs to slate my thirst! I can’t drink water out of the tap because it’s baaaadddd for you! It really is. It has mercury and other CRAP in it. So, I filter my water or drink distilled water… cuZ that’s what cool cats do. Also, Adonis is talking to me. Talking AT me. He doesn’t even realize I’m not even responding
This was a FUN show! We had a great turn out and Stephen and I were hyper as all crap. LISTEN!
Factoid of the Week
According to a British law passed in 1845, attempting to commit suicide was a capital offense. Offenders could be hanged for trying.
Snake on a Plane!
Potty Training Needed
Unfit For Work
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Running Time: 1:29:26