So, I have to get up at 5am tomorrow to make a 10am appointment 3 hours away. They are taking my splints off! Woo woo! Too bad I havent been going to bed till 7ish… and I slept until 3 today >L< I will be one very sleepy Smashface by evening on Friday… BUT I will be able to BREATHE
This show was filmed on Stephen’s new camera! He is every happy over it. Thanks to Vash for helping me search for show notes today. This episode is chock full of bags of poo, spilt beer, butt bandits, spicy sausage assaults and more! Thanks again to everyone who turned up on chat! It was a blast ^_^
And to the ppl on our forum… let’s all send some happy vibes to Voodoo this week. She is a sad panda
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