ARGH! Someone must really enjoy watching Stephen and I suffer. I assploded my mic right before the show somehow and had to make a mad dash to the cesspool that is Wal*Mart. When I arrived, I closed my eyes and drove through the parking lot (everyone else seems to do it) and found a halfway decent parking spot (SCORE!). I raced to the back of the store and snagged the only USB headset with a mic I could find in the illustrious city of Beckley. I was making good time until I reached the front of the store. NONE of the self check-outs were open and only two people were working the front. Stupid Wal*Mart. Stupid mic. In this episode, we bring you: evil squirrels (again), evil monkeys, evil dogs, and evil dentists!
We go through hell and Wal*Mart to bring you this show. Enjoy!
Factoid of the Week:
The average house cat will spend 10,950 hours of its lifetime purring
Kids are dumb
Inmates dance to Michael Jackson hit in Filipino prison
Finnish Squirrel steals chocoloate!
What to do when being raped
Monkeys to be Squirrel’s new henchmen
Dog no longer man’s best friend
2 Fast and 2 Stupid
Horse Manure is only good in moderation
Faking child’s death = not smart
Advanced shooting class leads to…. shooting < —- from Register-Herald newspaper (Beckley, WV)
Dentists are EVIL <– Sent in by Max from
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Running Time: 43 Minutes