Episode 19 – “Let’s Trip the Light Fantastic, Baby!”

Our 19th episode is CRAMMED with obscure, gross, hilarious, and oh-so-cute news! We couldn’t decide what was worthy and what should be chucked… so we kept it all! I’m writing this before we record in the hopes that the gods of podcasting will shine down upon this, oh wickedest, of episodes and make the quality shiney. We’ve got a follow up from episode 6, hello kitty, and a Swedish grandmother’s angry beaver! What more could you ask for in a 40 min show?
Post Note: Sorry for the delay, but the podcasting gods decided not to shine down upon us and gave us a ton of crap while we were trying to complete this nugget of awesomeness. But we have it now! This is take 2 of the show, as take 1 didn’t come out right. I do think that this one turned out much better and it may have been that the gods were doing us a favor 🙂

Factoid of the Week:
A blue whale’s heart is as big as a compact car

61 Year old Italian man lives at home with mother! Gets grounded!
Hello Kitty the new Thai enforcer  <– Submitted by Corvus of CorvusCrow.net 
German woman has pencil in head removed after 55 years <– Submitted by Max of AnalogMedium.com
Swedish grandmother attacked by beaver while swimming
FOLLOW UP: Armless one-legged man gets 5 years for drunk driving incident!  <– Follow up to Episode 6 Story
Giant Lego man found in Dutch Sea <– Submitted by Matt
Drunk man attacks cop… 45 times
Sweden people love pee and poo…..gross
Woman kept dead husband for a year <– Submitted by Matt
19 year old woman suspected of sex with 14 year old
Don’t screw with an angry senior citizen
Wheelchair Pr0n
Holy man jogs in the nude

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 46 Minutes

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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