eBay Baby

There are tons of weird things put up for auction on eBay every hour. There have been Jesus Pancakes, Mastodon Bones, and even “New Folders” for your Windows OS. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone offer up their baby, however — until now. Yes, dear readers, on Saturday, May 24th an eight-month-old child was offered up for bids on eBay. The German couple, apparently thinking changing diapers was not all it was cracked up to be, decided that they wanted to see if anyone would bid for their child.

A number of people contacted German authorities after spotting the offer on eBay. “Baby–collection only,” the post read. “Offering my nearly new baby for sale because it cries too much. Male, 70 cm long and can be used either in a baby carrier or a stroller.” Not that the price matters one way or the other, but the parents offered to sell the child for one euro ($1.57).

Shockingly enough, no one made any bids in the two hours the auction was open. Who the hell wants a baby that cries too much? eBay has, of course, taken the bid down.

I thought it was funny! I really don’t think the parents should be charged with anything. It was obviously a joke on their part… I mean, how did they intend to mail their kid? The postage would have been ridiculous!


Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

2 thoughts on “eBay Baby”

  1. I guess the parents thought that adoption was just too…free. Why not make a little money back off the thing you brought into the world. I mean, after all, you made it!

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