eBay Baby

There are tons of weird things put up for auction on eBay every hour. There have been Jesus Pancakes, Mastodon Bones, and even “New Folders” for your Windows OS. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone offer up their baby, however — until now. Yes, dear readers, on Saturday, May 24th an eight-month-old child was offered up for bids on eBay. The German couple, apparently thinking changing diapers was not all it was cracked up to be, decided that they wanted to see if anyone would bid for their child. Continue reading “eBay Baby”

Shaken, and a Little Stirred

James Bond is my hero (he shares a spot on a mile-high pedestal with Batman). He drinks with no repercussion to his liver, he spies with no mind to who knows it, and he drives a damn fine car. For his new movie, however, he wrecked a damn fine car off of a cliff and into 150 feet worth of water — and was then fined for barely surviving.

British engineer Fraser Dunn, 29, was left shaken and more than a little stirred after the £134,000 ($265,000) Aston Martin DBS slid off the road and plunged into Lake Garda in northern Italy, where filming is taking place on the new Bond movie Quantum of Solace.

Continue reading “Shaken, and a Little Stirred”

No Squirting Please

We all know that teenagers are a menace. They steal, drool, toilet paper your trees, and have sex with your daughter. Well one town in Norfolk (UK) has decided that enough is most assuredly enough. They have drawn a line in the sand and taken a definite stance against teenagers and their vile hyjinx. They… have banned the sale of ketchup and eggs to teens. Continue reading “No Squirting Please”