My sister is a dork. A huge dork. She is, in fact, throwing things as me as I try to write this. It is incredibly distracting. I want to shove her down some stairs… BUT I shall refrain or my cohost might be a bit pissed when I tell him that his fiance is dead. What do you guys think? Well, ustream was a bitch this week… again. It took our chat from us. Instead we had people chatting with us via twitter, email, and text messages on our phones. That was actually pretty fun! Granted now a lot of odd ppl know my user names on aim and yahoo >_<
Factoid of the Week
When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn’t understand German FAIL
Man Eating Potty
You’re doing it…LOUD!
Pop Tart Perpatrator
Breasts of Steel
“This little turd…”
Dude opens Nude Dude Ranch for Nude Dudes
What do you even do with 34,000 lbs of chicken!?
El Bandito de Prego
You’ll never take my FREEDOM!
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:31:25
HAHAHHA I helped you beat the evil internet 2.0 company!
Loved the intro.