Well, we finished the show in time to make it to Star Trek last night. OMG, such a good movie! I think they did it justice, while still maintaining creative autonomy… unlike X-Men
Blah. The acting was just phenomenal… also, Kirk was hot as hell
HUGE special thanks to Eryck Webb for making the first EVER HnH comic! That man is amazing! GET IT HERE!
Vibes out to Voodoo, and — as always — thank you to everyone who shows up in chat and makes Stephen and I feel important.
More penis biting (seriously, how in the hell?), boiling floors, Chuck Norris a security guard, chocolate sauce bandit (yeah, it is as weird as it sounds), and broccoli that bites back.
Factoid of the Week:
If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
Ghostie Boiling Pt
Chuck Norris Likes Bread
Mystery Serenade
Proof Is in the Pudding
Broccoli Bites
How does this keep happening?
Dead Ppl Sex0ring
Mmmm, Smells like Thought Police
Loose ScrewZ
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:22:47
Hey guys! Great show! Thanks for the shout out, and the link on the homepage, I am glad you guys enjoy the comic and I hope it can only add to the whole H&H universe.Star Trek was QUITE great, and the casting was perfect. It was like the original (excpet of course where spock and the rouge romulans skewed the timeline a bit) but w/ a different artists’ spit and polish to really capture the new look.
Quite awesome.
Alright, thanks again and look forward to the next show!
Also, wanted to point out I was aware of several typos and mistakes in the 4 page mini story, so I fixed them and enhanced the lettering a bit and its now definitly finished.
Thanks for the link and hope everyone continues to enjoy it.
i love that my comments keep getting deleted…
That web comic is pretty rocking.
Dude, it’s beautiful. I’m gonna frame it