Episode 109 – Jingle Balls

prince_albert_canI cannot think of anything to say. At all. I don’t even recall what we talked about on the show. I know we laughed a lot and everyone in the chat was totally perverted (shocking, I know), but I can’t tell you one single story. Let me look… ahhh, ok:
Snakes in a toilet! (complete with more penis biting), flying mooses (Stephen is evil), monkeyZ that think they are James Bond, rowdy Amish youth (yeah, ive been to that site too), and some hot pants!

Factoid of the Week:
It’s against the law in Chicago to eat in a place that is on fire.

I need me some sex!
That’s a smart monkey!
Setting Your Britches Ablaze!
Rowdy Amish Youth
You can have my nuts, but you’ll never have my FREEEDOM
‘Fridgerator Funk
I saw this in a movie once
Incredible Flying Moose!
Where do you put all of them!?

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:36:15

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

3 thoughts on “Episode 109 – Jingle Balls”

  1. I learned a lot in this episode. I learned that Ash ain’t to proud to beg. I also learned that Pirate Jim is my favorite character– especially the way he says “ballerini”. Good stuff!

  2. Captain Jim Doogan is his name and he’s one crazy dude. I’m glad you liked it, chris! I’m sure Ash is going to be doing quite a bit more begging in the future 0_o

  3. Dollhouse is worth checking out, the first 6 episodes are purely set up and aren’t that good, but the next 8 episodes after that ramp up the storyline and action very well. Think Buffy season 1 and then right into Buffy season 2. I was quite pleased with it at the end of the season. Usual Whedon fan fare basically. It has huge potential.
    Also I’m re-watching Firefly and I’ve realized this maybe one of my favorite series irregardless of it being a Whedon property.

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