Well, i just drove 5 hours from NC to WV, and I get to drive 12 from WV to FL in about a DAY. Actually, I think Stephen might drive… he will get us lost, but still
Thank you SO much to everyone who turned out and called in! I am pretty sure I am asleep and on autopilot, so I might download the show later and listen
Leg Iron study helpers, Poo Tossing Man, Lurking monkey that steals foam banananananas, the first ever dune transplant!, and an honestly dishonest politician.
Thanks again, guys… you all are amazing!
Factoid of the Week:
If you’re average, you’ll flex your finger joints 25 million times during your lifetime
First Dune Transplant
Can they do this?
o_O I dont even have a title for this…
Man thinks he is a monkey
At Least He was Honest
Prepare for ranting….
The Banana Man!
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:38:35