After a two week hiatus… I am back! I’m back in the saddle again. *Rocks out to Aerosmith* Stephen and I are watching Something Something Something Darkside and I am so distracted. I really missed you guys! Stephen and I have vowed to make this year of HnH rock like… rocks o_O. He added a game (that I cheated on) and some swanky music (that I couldn’t hear). Thank you all for spreading the HnH love to your buddies… we appreciate it 😀 Just remember to wear protection! This ep is dedicated to Matt and his new Bf Branden! We love you guys!
Factoid of the Week:
Umm…we forgot it and I can’t explain why
Hypnotist does self
Fatties Die First
Scooter Bandit
The GOOGLE Game – Ashley Cheats!
Pooy Bday
Beta Beheaded
Riot Shield SledZ
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As..)
Running Time: 1:20:00
[…] from anything we’ve done before. I made up a game called the Google Game, which debuted on episode 141, where Ashley has to guess the top “suggestion” under Google Suggests. So I type in […]