You read that headline correctly, audience! This show as hosted by Steve and only Steve since Smashface was driving to Florida at the time of recording and was unable to be there. She did get to call in for a few minutes and go on an insane anti-Georgia tirade which we all laughed at for the duration of the rant. That alone is worth listening for. We also played a LIVE game of H&H Mad Libs resulting in some of the funniest and most perverse stories you’ve ever been told. After having some fun with that Steve took live calls and spent the rest of the show talking to Coleman Ranahan and LilWill! These guys are some of the funniest people I know and I know you’ll think so too. Things were different tonight, but in a good way. Like when you try some tasty food for the first time. It’s unfamiliar, but delicious! So strap yourself in and download this monstrosity! Thundercats, HOOOOOOOOO!
Factoid of the Week:
Ashley was driving to florida and discovered that Georgia is litter with weird back roads and armadillo carcasses
Show Link!
The H&H T-Shirt
Coleman Ranahan’s Podcast
Eryck Webb’s Art
Download it Here! (Right-Click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:46:51
Well done, Stephen. One of the top ten boobless podcasts of all time!