Tonight’s show is animal themed… or rather, penguin themed. Why, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you why. It is because… I like penguins and they like shoes. Shoes that they try to mate with in lieu of other — real — penguins. Also, because penguins make amazing Metroid Repellent. Speaking of! Tonight’s show brought to you by H&H Metroid Repellent! Hate that feeling of a space aliens eating your frontal lobe?! Loathe the idea of having to go back into a room that you just spent 10 minutes clearing of said space alien brain eaters? Do we have a solution for you! H&H Metroid Repellent! Just spray a little on your scalp, and watch the metroids cower in fear! Perfect for your next jaunt through an abandoned space station. Side effects may include – itching, bleeding, minor hair loss, anal leakage, sudden death, or liver damage. Some skin cancer may occur. Please consult your physician before starting any metroid repellent regiment! Metroid brought you by Nintendo ™
Factoid of the Week
When penguin mothers lose a chick, they steal another mother’s chick.
Penguin Loves Shoe!
Fat Woman Wants to be Fatter
Stolen Diapers
It’s Raining Worms?
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Running Time: 1:11:11