Tune in here on 10/16 at 8pm EST for the live HNH show! We’re taking calls over skype, so if you don’t have that application, pick it up at
Just come to this page on that date and time, and you’ll see the Stickam app running in the sidebar. It’s live, so that’s how you will hear what we are talking about :). Add “fulltangninja” as a friend before 8 tomorrow so Steve can accept your request. Then, whenever you are ready, call fulltangninja and we’ll put you on the show! It’s going to be awesome you guys, and the news we have will cause you to explode with gut busting laughter! Can’t wait to chat with some of you guys tomorrow!

10/26, 8pm EST, Be there…err….here!

UPDATE: IRC Chat is up for those interested!  /join #hnh


Looks like we’ve run into an issue and the show will have to be postponed for a bit. As you know, Ashley is currently in Austin, TX at the Austin Game Developers Conference. They apparently have a really crappy internet connect and doing the show would be like playing a game of Russian Roulette….with all the bullets in the gun. I’m also out of town, so we’re going to be producing and putting the show out on Monday. I hope this doesn’t disappoint you guys too much, and we promise that we’ll have some freakin’ awesome content! Maybe Ash will bring some news of drunkards doing stupid crap back with her from Austin. See you guys on Monday!

Skype Reports Login Issues

UPDATE: Looks like Skype is up and running again. We’re still on for the semi-live show! So get ready to give us a call around 7:45 so we can go over how it’s all going to work. 
Okay….I’ve decided that the Evil Ninja Net MonkeyZ are out to kill us, and the rest of the internet in the process. Or it could be squirrels chewing through the lines so that we can’t spread our message of the imminent squirrel uprising. Apparently Skype has disabled downloading of the client, and is having login issues that they are “working very hard to fix.” I think some of you reported problems adding me (fulltangninja) as a contact, and I think this issue explains it.

If Skype is still having issues tonight, we may be forced to reschedule. As much as I hate it, this is the only way we’ve mastered when it comes to doing this show. Keep checking back here for updates and we’ll let you know what’s going on. As of right now, we’re still on for 7:45 in hopes that everything will start working properly again. Keep your fingers crossed!

Live Show

Hey everybody! As you know, if you listened to the show or are registered on the forum, we will be doing a semi-live show for our 20th episode. We’d love for you guys to join in and we have a couple ways for you to do this.
1. Send us a 30 second or less audio clip about “What WTF means to you” in mp3 format. Make sure you mention your name and where you are from. Send all submissions to

2. You can join us on Skype at 7:45pm EST. All you have to do is add “fulltangninja” (aka Steve) as a contact and give him a call at that time. If you do not have Skype, you can get it at
It is totally free to use when calling computer to computer. We use it to do our show and it works great. We want you to call in at 7:45 so we can hear everyones sound quality and make sure it’s all going to sound good.

We’re very excited about doing this show. We haven’t ever done anything like this, so all the people participating will be lab rats to our weird experiment. Hopefully we can get everybody in one conference, but I know Skype has limits, so it’s really going to be a first come, first serve. Next time we do something like this, we’ll try to have our system a little more nailed down and figure out a really good way to make it happen.

We can’t wait to hear from you guys!

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades wants YOU!

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades will be celebrating its 20th Episode on August 17, 2007!
It’s hard to believe that Stephen and Ashley have been bringing you the best (and the worst) in stupid news for the last 17 sex-and-poo-filled weeks! But, since the beginning of recorded history, people have been performing grossly stupid acts that we feel compelled to share with the public.

In two weeks Horseshoes and Hand Grenades hit the big two oh, and we want you to be a part of it!

At a designated time on August 17th (yet to be announced) we will be doing a live airing of our show, and we want the listeners to call in with their opinions, comments, and utter disregard for Stephen as a co-host.

All you have to do is get Skype: and then add Stephen: fulltangninja and Ashley: phatekills to your friends list.

Make sure you have a mike with headphones so you can listen to us w/o causing an echo during the show! (We found this out the hard way.)

For now, think on this: What does “WTF!?” mean to you?

We will have a special time during the show for you all to call in and tell us what the acronym WTF!? means to you. I’m sure we will have an awesome prize lined up for the more creative entries.

Horseshoes and Hand Grenades airs every Friday evening!


Pi and CHiPS News

The Pi and CHiPS Network has brought to you this special announcement. In light of Horseshoes & Hand Grenades being delayed until Sunday, we decided to give you guys a sneak peak of a couple of the shows coming around the corner. Chris and I just wanted to hold you over until the new H&H is released and give you an update on where Pi and CHiPS is at and why on earth we haven’t done a show in a couple months. All your questions will be answered on this special podcast from Pi and CHiPS.
Download it Here (Right-click, Save As…) 

Don’t Panic!

Tonight’s show has been delayed! But have no fear! The show will be released on Sunday so you guys can get caught up on all the stupid crap that people on our little planet do. We wouldn’t leave you empty handed on this Friday night though! We’re just not those kind of people. So here is a little flash video made by Steve a couple years ago. It’s dedicated to the coolest guy who ever walked this planet….MC Hammer. See you guys on Sunday!

Digg us!

Hey everybody! We have an awesome special announcement to make…well awesome for us anyway! We now have our podcast registered with everybody’s favorite democratic news source,! You can now “digg” our podcast by clicking the little “digg it” badge on the right, and also vote for each episode individually by clicking the “Digg this Story” button under each episode! This is an awesome opportunity for us to get out there, and we’d really appreciate all of your help in making this happen. You guys are the best fans ever. So get to clickin’, and help this tiny little home grown podcast become something incredible!

HHRadio with H&H is out!

I know that subject made absolutely no sense, but I’ll explain! On April 26, Ash and I joined Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Radio on the internet! We had a blast and now it’s out there for all of you to hear. So go to and download the April 26 episode. Listen to the whole show because it’s a lot of fun, and those guys are freakin’ cool, but you can also fast forward to the 1 hour mark and our interview begins. We had an awesome time and would like to send a big shout out to those guys for having us on the show. HHRadio Rules!