It’s Just Like “Everybody Poops”…

Children’s books are often written with a purpose. Sometimes they are to teach a moral principle, show you not to be embarrassed about who you are, tell you to stay strong under peer pressure, and even make sure you know it’s okay to poop, but what about that books that teach you unconventional wisdom. Dr. Michael Salzhauer of Miami, Florida has written a book, “My Beautiful Mommy,” to help parents tell their children about the changes to be expected from an impending plastic surgery. I used to have trouble adjusting to my mom’s new haircuts, so one can only imagine what a kid thinks after his mom has a boob job!
Continue reading “It’s Just Like “Everybody Poops”…”

eBay Baby

There are tons of weird things put up for auction on eBay every hour. There have been Jesus Pancakes, Mastodon Bones, and even “New Folders” for your Windows OS. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone offer up their baby, however — until now. Yes, dear readers, on Saturday, May 24th an eight-month-old child was offered up for bids on eBay. The German couple, apparently thinking changing diapers was not all it was cracked up to be, decided that they wanted to see if anyone would bid for their child. Continue reading “eBay Baby”