It’ s a show! I wasn’t organized for this one. Just enjoy it and don’t think too hard
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Melting Faces on a Weekly Basis
It’ s a show! I wasn’t organized for this one. Just enjoy it and don’t think too hard
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Factoid of the Week:
During prohibition, in an attempt to dissuade people from drinking illegally, the US government changed the formula for industrially-produced alcohol (which bootleggers often stole to redistill) to make it poisonous, resulting in thousands of deaths.
Man amputates his own penis while on mushrooms
Words of Wisdom:
A man’s got to believe in something. I believe I’ll have another drink. – W. C. Fields
Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE! Even your grandmother! She needs penis jokes too!
If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use. It helps us out a ton!
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Factoid of the Week:
Pregnant women in their 3rd trimester actually lose gray matter in their brain. Don’t worry, it comes back
Surgeon operated with penknife he uses to cut up lunch
Words of Wisdom:
Don’t join an HOA – Stephen
Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE! Even your grandmother! She needs penis jokes too!
If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use. It helps us out a ton!
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Ashley and I have no idea what we’re doing. What we do know is that we’re trying to figure out how to make this show easier to manage. And by WE, I mean ME. I have to figure out where to move this thing and how to do it gracefully.
Who are we kidding? We’re Horseshoes & Hand Grenades and no amount of branding was ever going to change that. So here’s a new episode for you. Have fun!
Factoid of the Week
Painting used to be an olympic sport. For the first 4 decades of the competition, medals were awarded for painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music.
Vladimir Putin says to have sex on your lunch break… for the country!
Polishing the Paint Roller
Man uses a cup of poo to win a car
Words of Wisdom
Painting is the passage from the chaos of the emotions to the order of the possible. – Balthus
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There comes a time in every podcast’s life where you have to make a change. That time has come for Horseshoes & Hand Grenades. The little podcast that could is sunsetting itself. We’ve been largely off the air for the past few years and despite our best efforts, we haven’t been able to pull it together. So it is with sort of heavy hearts that we lay this podcast to rest.
Just because one podcast has to end doesn’t mean another one can’t take its place! Ashley and I are like a parasite. We can only truly thrive when we’re doing what we do on the internet for the fine folks like you. If you’re reading this, we want to let you know that we are BACK! For real this time. We’re setting our expectations a little lower, and we’re working with what we’ve got. What do we got, you ask? ONE HALF HOUR
That’s right. We’re going to be putting out a BRAND NEW podcast called “Stephen and Smash’s Half Hour of Power.” It’s a smaller show than Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, at least for now, with the small objective of producing 30 minutes of content once a week. We’re shooting for every Thursday but there may be days and weeks where we have to move the date or time to get the show in your ears.
So hold on tight, add a new podcast to your podcast service of choice, and let’s get this show on the road! There’s no sense looking back when we have so much more ahead of us.
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Factoid of the Week:
In traditional Chinese culture, the dragon typically embodies the qualities of power, nobleness, leadership, honour, luck, and success. In fact, the dragon is often considered the most highly revered zodiac animal of all. Many years ago, it was even commonly thought that the Emperors of enormous dynasties were reincarnations of dragons.
Flight risk: suspected spy pigeon released after eight months in detention in India
Florida fisherman single handedly reels in 1,200-lb, 12-foot ‘monster’ great white shark
NJ animal shelter will name feral cat after an ex, then neuter it
Canada drug dealer offers ‘free samples’ of cocaine stapled to business cards
Radio station baffled after 200-foot radio tower disappears without a trace
Words of Wisdom:
Happiness is like those palaces in fairy tales whose gates are guarded by dragons: we must fight in order to conquer it. -Alexandre Dumas
Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE! Even your grandmother! She needs penis jokes too!
If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use. It helps us out a ton!
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Factoid of the Week:
The Atacama Desert is the driest place in the world. Located in Arica, Chile, its annual rainfall is only 0.03 inches. The landscape is so arid, that NASA’s astrobiologists travel to the Atacama Desert hoping it will lead them to clues about life on other planets.
Intact iPhone found after 16K-foot plunge from Alaska Airlines flight
Tennessee hotel guest wakes up to night manager sucking on his toes
Words of Wisdom:
“Without music, life is a journey through a desert.” -Pat Conroy
Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE! Even your grandmother! She needs penis jokes too!
If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use. It helps us out a ton!
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Factoid of the Week:
Pythons possess special organs called heat pits that allow them to detect the infrared radiation emitted by warm-blooded animals. This unique adaptation helps them locate prey effectively, even in low-light conditions.
Ultra-marathon runner banned for a year after using car in race
North Carolina orthodontist offers free gun with Invisalign treatment
Porn star’s pet python bites partner’s penis in horror scene: ‘Blood everywhere’
Plane forced to return to JFK Airport after horse on board gets loose
Words of Wisdom:
If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.
-Booker T. Washington
Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE! Even your grandmother! She needs penis jokes too!
If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use. It helps us out a ton!
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Factoid of the Week:
All Hallows’ Eve was the day where the Celts paid their respects to the dead. Samhain signified the end of one season’s cycle and the beginning of the next one. They believed that the veil was thin on that night so that the souls of people who perished that year were able to move on to the other world. Offerings, such as vegetables or fruits, were given in order to aid the dead in their passing.
Man Accused of Masturbating in Target Claims It Was Dildo, Not His Actual Penis
Words of Wisdom:
“Halloween is a celebration of the inversion of reality and a necessary Gothic hat-tip to the darker aspects of life, death and ourselves.” ― Stewart Stafford
Our show is listener supported… tell EVERYONE about the wackiness! EVERYONE! Even your grandmother! She needs penis jokes too!
If you really dig what we do, be sure to leave us a review on whatever podcast service you use. It helps us out a ton!
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What’s this? A show? In your podcast feed? But how!?
That’s correct everyone. Ashley and I figured out how to do a show for at least a night. We had the stars align and took advantage of the opportunity. We dusted off the microphones and sat down to chat for a little bit. We didn’t have any news because, quite frankly, we were not prepared. But did you expect anything else? Just enjoy our charm and wit on this episode.
See you next time!
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