Episode 17 – “These Windows Are So Translucent!”

Praise the great gopher in the sky, this ep went out ON TIME and the ninja monkies were kept at bay! However, Stephen is hyper off his face due to Bawls intake, and Ashley is wicked tired due to never sleeping. We bring you horny hedgehogs, women recycling themselves, virgins raping produce, and wicked sex solicitors forced to dress as chickens. Don’t forget to register on the new forum by clicking here!
Factoid of the Week:
A cockroach can live without it’s head for 10 days

Lovemaking hedgehogs disturb the peace in Germany
Dead woman answers door
Woman recycles herself
Grim Reaper Kitty
Virgins exposed as the secret to good weather
Maid jailed for serving up urine
Necrophelia is ooookay in Wisconsin
Inmate convicted of indecent exposure
Chihuahua takes on rattlesnake
Soliciting sex ends in a fowl arrangment

Download it Here! (Right-Click, Save as…)
Running Time: 44 minutes

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

One thought on “Episode 17 – “These Windows Are So Translucent!””

  1. This was F-ing hilarious!!! Necrophlia in Wis is not a crime, and apparently its not embarrassing either since these boys wents caught in the act but still decided to tell the police what they were planning to do. If necrophelia aint illegal I wonder about laws protecting all those cheese makin’ cows? Great show guys, ya’ll crack me up every week, (and twice this one) I do get strange looks at work, but I too busy laughin’ to care!! Keep it up!! Later Daze – FU

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