Alcohol Causes Intoxication

Now, I don’t claim to be an aficionado in the realm of alcohol, but I do know that fermented beverages tend to make one a tad inebriated when consumed. This is more information than Iancu Boroi, 35, has, however. Boroi has apparently lodged an official complaint to the trading standards agency after getting drunk off of beer. To give the man some credit, it was only one beer.

Iancu Boroi… said he had bought the beer at a local supermarket in Arges in southern Romania but was so drunk after drinking just one can that he nearly passed out.

He said: “I am more than capable of holding my drink and it is ridiculous to think one can of beer can get me so drunk.

Being that much of a lightweight myself, I totally understand why he must protect his reputation and act appalled that one measly little beer could put him out. What man could live peaceably when his friends knew that all it took was one can of fermented hops and barley to knock him out. Boroi even went so far as to write the Romanian Consumer Protection Agency and demanded they investigate. I’m guessing he thinks that someone slipped a date rape drug into his beer.


Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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