Episode 79 – “Someone Is Burning A Fire”

Hey Everybody! I’m sitting in a restaurant shortly before this episode is supposed to come out and typing this on my iPhone. That pretty much means that this intro will be short. I hope you guys enjoy the show as much as we did. Our show was packed with the usual insane and disgusting news that you guys have come to know and love. Including, but not limited to, cooking with balls, crazy Mexican condom van thieves, a misdiagnosed old dude, and a ketchup stealing bandit! Enjoy the show!
Factoid of the Week:
The bark of a the giant sequoia can be up to 2 feet thick

Physics 101
Tire-Slashing Granny
Sir, you are preggers!
Physics 201
Dog Life > Human
Sex and Violence
Cooking with Balls
Pass the Salt…
Ketchup Kidnapping
Missing Mexican Condoms

Download it Here! (Right-click, Save as…)

Running Time: 58 minutes

One thought on “Episode 79 – “Someone Is Burning A Fire””

  1. So I was sitting here eating breakfast when I decided to visit your site. I saw the picture and thought, ‘Oh, pretty! Eater eggs!’ I then proceeded to click on the image to get a better look. Needless to say I didn’t finish my breakfast.
    Awesome show! Love you guys. ^_^

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