I got a Batman for Christmas! It is so so so freaking badass! Stephen’s parents got me a happy happy evil wicked (insert comas) batman statue designed by George Perez (limited number), and I could die! I got shine Mk V Dc and I REALLY want to play right now! On that note, smoking dog, killer hippo, eggbeater hold up, plane hits a cow, and heart found at carwash.
I hope you have all your shopping done and Christmas is wonderful!
Factoid of the Week:
In 1797 James Hetherington invented the top hat and wore it in public. He was arrested for disturbing the peace.
Hungry Hungry HippoZ
Smoking Keels
Cow Deplans
Pizza Used as Weapon
The Bourne Idiot
A Snakey Feast
Bun in the Oven
All ur Eggbeater are belong to ME!@#
Pilots Are Dumb
Heart on your Carwash
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Running Time: 1:23:51