Well, this is a tad late. Stephen and I tried to make it wonderful last eve… but Skype was laying down some thick layers of hate that made it impossible to understand each other through. Today, however, Skype was impressed with last nights virgin sacrifices… and allowed us to finish the show! Ignore the fact that I drank too much, and Stephen wears socks on his head. Thanks to all the new ppl that showed up(CmdrWalt, el-heffe, surprise_pants, bhyphen), and all our returning chatters! Voodoo, Scott, Frankie… we miss you!!!
Today we bring you, fugu balls, killer couches, two retarded cowboys, way too much poo being tossed around, evil, car robbing billy goats, and boobs that wanted to be free.
Yum baby corns!@#
Factoid of the Week:
The longest known alligator was 19’2″. It was found in Louisiana in the early 1900’s
Saved by the bottle
Don’t eat the blowfish testicles … as if we needed a warning
I’m a cowboy!
This is what an idiot looks like
I am too!
Give me back those boobies!
Monkeys Throw Poo
Hershey’s Kisses
Suspect is 3′ tall, speaks little english, answers to Billy
Well blow me down!
Download it Here! (Right-Click, Save As..)
Running Time: 1:30:13
phonetically is actually spelled with a p. Sorry for being a spelling bee!
I don’t get it