Ok, so, in celebration of the 100th episode Stephen, Steph and I all went out with some buddies and had dessert. My dessert consisted of a Hurricane and Stephen’s consisted of half of a Amaretto sour (I finished the majority of it because he is a pansy).
I now have a killer headache, but the show was fan-freaking-tastic, the turn out was amazing, and we LOVE you guys so much. Thank you for making our 100th birthday so wonderful
(Oh, and I think we got through some notes… Japanese man burns a hotel down to avoid wedding, man fakes funeral, man hits another man with a fish tank of three dollars, two penises, granny pr0n, moosey phate!)
FactoidZ of the Week:
The garbage disposal was originally called the “Electric Pig.”
In Asia and England, a black cat is considered lucky.
I’ll burn this mother down!
Just throw the dirt on him and call it a day
Close quarters bar fight!
Can you really be charged for this?
Oh the things you could do if you only had two
Granny Pr0n
Moosey Phate!
The United States of Stephen
Download it Here! (Right-click, Save As…)
Running Time: 1:36:17
This was an amazing episode and I am very happy i could be apart of it.Thanks for the advice again guys, I’ll deal with it I guess.
Send meh buttons !!!!
Congratulations on 100 guys
Love from down South,
PS. The name should have been “Moist Boobies” it would have been more relevant to the night’s conversations
I’m glad you had an awesome time, Vash. We titled the show with prehensie boobies because during the week “somebody” caught a ladel with their breast when it was falling off a box they were carrying. It was awesome because she was like “I just caught that with my BOOB!” So now you have some back story
Ha ha ha ha thats funny, but ok, it makes sense now lol
Congrats on the 100 eps man!
Thanks, Coleman :). We’re very excited, and even more excited to have you as a listener. Thanks for the support, dude.