Episode 368 – Exploding Cheetos

Today we talk about why pineapple tastes so delicious and then burns a hole right THROUGH your tongue while short circuiting all of your nerves on the way.  Pineapple is a bit of a jerk.  A delicious jerk.

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Factoid of the Week:
People of Greece are the largest consumers of cheese worldwide. An average person from Greece consumes around 27.3 kg of cheese every year, about ¾ of which is feta cheese.

Thai Man Marries Cobra (Believes it is Dead GF)
Ninja Steals Katana From Comic Store
Wedding Ring Penis Strangulation
Flaming Hot Revenge Cheetos

Words of Wisdom:
Age is of no importance, unless you are a cheese.

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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