Episode 410 – Patient Zero

It has been freaking COLD the last 7 days!  There was this storm that reminded me of every disaster movie ever (they are calling it a “Bomb Cyclone” which doesn’t help it feel any less like a movie).  It would behoove me to get groceries and to leave the house, but noooooooooo.  I like feeling my appendages! Also, now I have the flu.  Yay.

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Factoid of the Week:
In 1988, a scientist found two identical snow crystals. They came from a storm in Wisconsin.

Belgian traveller kicked out of NZ after trying to smuggle sausages
Man rips urinal off a pub’s wall — then runs wet and naked in the woods to escape
Tourist ‘overdoses on Viagra’, walks naked through airport throwing feces
Las Vegas strip club draws in CES crowd with robot strippers

Words of Wisdom:
Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.  – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Author: Smashie

She's scatterbrained and filled with coconut oil at best.

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